It all began when Hayao Miyazaki, the visionary director of Studio Ghibli, arrived in Tomonoura shortly after the release of "Howl's Moving Castle." Miyazaki, burdened by both mental and physical exhaustion, sought solace in this port town for rejuvenation. He spent two and a half months in a "house on a cliff" in Tomonoura, alone, slowly healing his mind while repeating daily routines such as cooking and washing clothes.
During his stay, he often went for walks, made sketches and sent them to his wife every day as a "survival check" so that his family would not worry about him while he continued to live alone.
Following his time in Tomonoura, Miyazaki returned with his team, to craft the masterpiece "Ponyo on the Cliff." Hidden elements from 'Ponyo' are scattered throughout the town of Tomonoura, making it possible to visit the filming locations while recalling scenes from the movie. You can read about this small town in my other article here.